We offer our comprehensive pension plan termination services for a one-stop shop to a successful plan termination. From the initial feasibility to the last final distribution and official (IRS and PBGC) closing of the plan. Several action items must be timely and accurately addressed. We offer either a comprehensive solution or an ala carte approach, providing only those services necessary and desired.


Terminating a pension plan can be an excessive additional administrative cost if you do not have experienced consultants at reasonable price.


We have considerable expertise and are ready to assist you. We offer the professional service from our big-firm experience, minus the big-firm cost.




Midwest Consulting Actuaries, Inc.

2052 45th Street, Suite I

Highland, IN 46322


Indiana Phone: 219.227.6059

Illinois Phone 630.868.8597

E-mail: drumas@mcactuaries.com

Comprehensive pension plan termination services